Aim: The participants create a matching pairs memory game using technical terms related to security on smartphones and tablets. Then they play the game with other people
E – Technical security
Smartphone and tablets
Number of participants:
E – Technical security
Password check№ 33
Aim: To reflect on the creation of passwords
Don’t do it: Most common passwords№ 34
Aim: To deal with the most common passwords should create awareness of password security.
Explaining security settings to each other№ 37
Aim: The participants explain the security settings on smartphones and tablets to each other in a creative way.
The “Internet is sooo dangerous” – video№ 38
Aim: To create awareness of the dangers of the internet
Hacking№ 39
Aim: To find examples of various types of hacking, from life hacking to social hacking
Data protection battle№ 40
Aim: The participants deal with data protection in order to establish whether they consider it an important or unimportant topic.
Watch the watchmen№ 41
Aim: To find surveillance cameras in public spaces and to reflect on why they are used
Internet of things – What is connected to the internet?№ 42
Aim: A thing of the presence or future? Which devices are connected to the internet and what for?
The small print№ 43
Aim: To find out quickly what the TOS of an app provider say and why this can be important