Aim | To find out quickly what the TOS of an app provider say and why this can be important |
Duration | - |
Number of participants | any |
Age | 10+ |
Difficulty | medium |
Conditions | The activity needs enough time for the research and implementation phases. Suitable for groups |
Material | Smartphone, website |
Preparation - |
Description All apps, social networks and programmes have terms of services (TOS) which hardly anybody ever reads. Some of them are written in such a complex way that it doesn’t even make sense to read them. Still, they have an influence on the rights of the person agreeing to them. The website can help to “translate” the TOS of services.
If you want to carry out the exercise as a group activity, each group can evaluate a specific service, such as a platform the respective participants use, according to their own user behavior: If I agree to the TOS, is the app authorised to use and pass on my contents and pictures? If I send someone a message or picture, is the transmission encrypted? What commitments do I enter into? |
Source | OIAT/ |
Tags | small print, TOS |