Aim | The participants create a matching pairs memory game using technical terms related to security on smartphones and tablets. Then they play the game with other people |
Duration | - |
Number of participants | any |
Age | 10+ |
Difficulty | easy |
Conditions | The activity takes a while; several groups of people might be needed. |
Material | Possibility to do online research, cards for the memory game, pens |
Preparation The participants search for terms they can use in the memory game, e.g. access requests of apps, data protection, location services, contacts, etc |
Description Phase1 The participants search for definitions according to which they would also understand the terms. In some cases they will have to phrase the definitions themselves, in others definitions from the internet using copy/paste will do. The definitions should be short; figures or images can also be used to explain the terms.
Phase 2 The participants create the matching pairs memory game.
Phase 3 The participants play the game with a different group whose members are not as familiar with the terms. |
Source | OIAT/ |
Tags | Apps, Data protection, Security |