Aim: To get to to know each other; to learn new and/or fun facts about the others; to learn that it’s not always easy to distinguish between truth and lie
C – Evaluating information from the internet
Formulating search terms
Knowing the sources of information
Evaluating information
Recognising traps on the internet
Filter bubble
Politically extreme contents
Evaluating images from the internet
Dealing with hate speech on the internet
Number of participants:
C – Evaluating information from the internet
Fake news№ 15
Aim: To practise how to recognise fake news
Modifying the filter bubble on Facebook№ 16
Aim: To configure the filter bubble of a Facebook account together
Formulating search terms№ 17
Aim: To formulate and try out search terms
Searching for images№ 18
Aim: To understand the contexts in which images appear
Hate posts№ 19
Aim: To use concrete examples to find solutions for dealing with hate posts
Fake news bingo№ 20
Aim: To create awareness of postings on Facebook which might be of questionable origin
Dealing with fear№ 52
Aim: self-reflection how to react to fear from internet contents
Killerclown№ 54
Aim: self-reflection on how to deal with one's own fear around killer clowns
chain letters№ 55
Aim: Correct handling of fearsome chain letters
Critical mail№ 63
Aim: Recognizing and questioning fake news and understanding its mechanisms, intentions and origins
Chain letter anxiety figures№ 66
Aim: Explain backgrounds from typical chain-letters figures