Aim | To practise how to recognise fake news |
Duration | - |
Number of participants | any |
Age | 10+ |
Difficulty | easy |
Conditions | Some preparation is necessary |
Material | - |
Preparation Create fake news concerning the organisation/youth centre and publish them in places many of the participants go to (social network, printed out and hung on the wall, etc.). The fake news should be recognisable as such by uninvolved persons, not referring to one group only. |
Description Without prior notice, spread the fake news over a certain period of time. In case participants come forward and enquire, play dumb. How come? Why isn’t this true? Let the participant explain why this is fake news.
During a joint action the fake news is exposed. Discuss with the participants how to recognise fake news and how to deal with it. Afterwards, destroy/delete the fake news together with the group. |
Source | OIAT/ |
Tags | critical assessment of sources, Fake News, reflection |