Aim | To visualise the term “privacy” |
Duration | Ongoing |
Number of participants | any |
Age | - |
Difficulty | easy |
Conditions | The participants must have the chance to take pictures and to print them. A longer period of time is necessary, possibly a stable group |
Material | Camera (e.g. on a mobile phone), printer |
Preparation - |
Description Phase 1 The participants take pictures over a longer period of time, e.g. one week. They photograph what they consider “private” and should not, in their opinion, end up on the internet. Attention! They should not take pictures of their own bodies but rather of ads, posters, contents of books/magazines, etc.! Phase 2 The participants create collages using similar pictures (e.g. of unmade beds, underwear, etc.) and write captions on each collage. Phase 3 The participants create a poster on which they write the tips that they have thought up based on the topics, e.g.: No underwear on the internet! The posters should be designed in a way that they can be displayed over a longer period of time, that they can maybe even be reproduced and handed out.
Source | OIAT/ |
Tags | creativity, media education, privacy |