Aim | Explanation of terms related to Internet use and understanding of correct behavior |
Duration | around 10-20 min |
Number of participants | at least 2 players |
Age | rather for younger |
Difficulty | light |
Conditions | - |
Material | playing cards |
Preparation prepare playing cards |
Description The term memory is played a little different than the conventional memory. The players should find the appropriate term for a picture. The winner is the person who – like in classic memory – has found the most pairs of cards. The aim of the game is that the players learn important terms and recognize the meaning of the respective terms through the graphic representation. The maps are intended to provide an incentive to address and discuss issues relevant to the safe use of the Internet and digital media. Possible stumbling block: Players may have never heard the terms used in the game and therefore cannot assign them to the pictures. Here, either the coach can moderate the game by explaining the terms, or he/she can do so while playing. Otherwise the list with the meanings of the terms can be handed out to the players as an orientation aid. If possible, the right and wrong behaviours around the terms are also discussed. Where do young people have what choices? What do I have to look out for in copyright law? How do I deal with bullying? Etc. Possible terms for the game:
Source | Sabrina Widmoser |
Tags | self-reflection |