Aim: To reflect on how much I am revealing on the internet
getting to know each other
Exercises for: getting to know each otherDuration: Approx. 10-20 min 5-15 min depending on the group. It might be a good idea to agree on the duration of the exercise in advance Approx. 10-15 Min As long as the participants want to 20-30 Min
Number of participants: 8-20 (better suited for larger groups) any - better for small groups 5-20 any
Difficulty: Advanced easy easy - medium
Number of participants:
getting to know each other
Two lies, one truth№ 14
Aim: To get to to know each other; to learn new and/or fun facts about the others; to learn that it’s not always easy to distinguish between truth and lie
Name ball№ 46
Aim: Warm-up, to get to know each other
Who else?№ 47
Aim: Warm-up, to get to know each other
Speed dating – Conversations in pairs№ 48
Aim: Warm-up, to get to know each other