Aim: To offer the opportunity to reflect on, ask questions about and discuss topics concerning the internet on a regular basis
F – My role as a peer expert
Interaction in groups
Guiding group processes
Knowing one’s personal boundaries
Helping others
Duration: - 5-10 Min Approx. 10-15 Min As long as the participants want to 20-30 Min 10 Min Approx. 5-10 Min
Number of participants: Any; one peer who acts as consultant any 5-20
Difficulty: Medium; as the activity has to be carried out on a regular basis easy easy - medium
Number of participants:
F – My role as a peer expert
Clap and jump№ 44
Aim: To get the peer experts to loosen up and to make them laugh
Name ball№ 46
Aim: Warm-up, to get to know each other
Who else?№ 47
Aim: Warm-up, to get to know each other
Speed dating – Conversations in pairs№ 48
Aim: Warm-up, to get to know each other
Association exercise (Brainstorming)№ 49
Aim: To understand a concept/phenomenon
Hand evaluation№ 50
Aim: To reflect on and evaluate a workshop
Postcard№ 51
Aim: To remember learning achievements and new plans