Aim: Understand how online fraud works
B – Contents from and for the internet
Duration: 1 hour 10-30 Min - open 10-20 min
Number of participants: at least 10 people any 3-10 At least two groups of 2 and one moderator
Difficulty: Moderation may be challenging easy medium advanced - very elaborately
Number of participants:
B – Contents from and for the internet
Films from the internet№ 9
Aim: To find and spread streaming services
Finding music that is legal to use№ 10
Aim: To find music that can be used legally by the participants for their creative projects
Matching pairs memory game about copyright№ 11
Aim: The participants create a matching pairs memory game using technical terms related to copyright. Then they play the game with other people
Hoax quiz№ 12
Aim: The participants check how well they can recognise edited images on the internet.
Themed week on Instagram№ 13
Aim: Media education project on Instagram
Real or fake blood№ 53
Aim: Self-reflection on how to react to violent content, critically question the authenticity of violent scenes
Who finds the best examples?№ 61
Aim: Find examples on your own mobile phone that illustrate a given term. The aim was to increase understanding of current terms and challenges.