Aim: To reflect on how much I am revealing on the internet
online security
Exercises for: online securityNumber of participants:
online security
Social media security№ 2
Aim: To create awareness of personal data posted online
Private data or public data?№ 3
Aim: To learn to differentiate between private and public data; reflecting on the sharing of private data
Private data or public data?№ 3
Aim: To learn to differentiate between private and public data; reflecting on the sharing of private data
Sexting – but how?№ 6
Aim: To find out how to create revealing pictures of oneself without putting oneself at risk e.g. of blackmail. Is it possible to share them with one’s partner in a safe way? If yes, how?
Who can I turn to?№ 31
Aim: For young people to realise who they can turn to for help and advice
Don’t do it: Most common passwords№ 34
Aim: To deal with the most common passwords should create awareness of password security.
Explaining security settings to each other№ 37
Aim: The participants explain the security settings on smartphones and tablets to each other in a creative way.
The “Internet is sooo dangerous” – video№ 38
Aim: To create awareness of the dangers of the internet
Hacking№ 39
Aim: To find examples of various types of hacking, from life hacking to social hacking
Data protection battle№ 40
Aim: The participants deal with data protection in order to establish whether they consider it an important or unimportant topic.
Internet consultation hour№ 44
Aim: To offer the opportunity to reflect on, ask questions about and discuss topics concerning the internet on a regular basis
Association exercise (Brainstorming)№ 49
Aim: To understand a concept/phenomenon